ANNUAL OPERATING ROOM (OR) CORE COMPETENCY: COURSE BUNDLE - HIPAA, Bloodborne Pathogens, OR Protocol, Aseptic Technique (GS)
Packaged savings for HIPAA, Bloodborne Pathogens, OR Protocols and Aseptic Technique Courses.
This package includes the following courses:
• HIPAA: This one-hour online module will review the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, commonly referred to as HIPAA, and the practices within the healthcare workplace that regulate protected health information and improve patient privacy.
• BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS: This one-hour online course will review what Bloodborne Pathogens are, how to protect yourself from exposure, treatments, risks, and best practices. All clinicians that handle blood or Other Potentially Infectious Materials (OPIMs) are required by law to take a course in Bloodborne Pathogens and OPIMs.
• OR PROTOCOL TRAINING: This one-hour online course will provide participants with the knowledge and skills to perform a procedure applying the principle of aseptic techniques in the OR setting. Having a solid understanding of the surgical team and the unique needs of the operating room to help clinicians increase safety and minimize the spread of infectious microorganisms.
• ASEPTIC TECHNIQUE: This one-hour online course will provide participants with the knowledge and skills to perform a procedure applying the principle of aseptic technique. Having a solid understanding and employing the principles of aseptic technique will help clinicians achieve the goal of minimizing the spread of infectious microorganisms.